The first step is to remember what your (and your child’s) goals are, and make sure the schools you consider using as part of your homeschool program meet those goals. Keep these in mind as you explore the guide below. The next step is to get accurate information. So often, schools answer questions in “clever”… (—Read more—)
A Gift for My Past Self
“The Parent Empowerment Project is a gift for my past self, that I actually can’t give to my past self. I can’t go back in time. I wish. I wish I had had this. It is an offering of information and resources. Also, we were able to design it in such a way that people… (—Read more—)
Instead of Saying No: Flip It!
Tamra and Cass relate a humorous story of this strategy being applied. From teaching middle school to raising a very driven youngest daughter (Heather), it can work great! Just not so much for Cass. More About This Psychology studies tell us that people, especially teens, do not respond to punishment – at least not in… (—Read more—)
Highly Aware versus Shy or Afraid
The language we use reflects our culture. In some cultures, instead of saying somebody is too sensitive or shy, they might say the person has high levels of awareness or understanding, or that they’re reflective (Aron, 15-17). Instead of telling somebody they are “too sensitive,” would we say “you’re too aware?” You just understand too… (—Read more—)
Reframing Autism Research
The following is a segment from an interview and conversation with Tamra Skye and Cass Keith. In this, they explore the bias and framing in Autism research; a positive example of a research study that took a different approach; and the need to have more Autistic researchers involved. — The above content is in… (—Read more—)