The Homeschool Quickstart class was years in the making. It began as a series of resources and presentations from Tamra and Cass, created to help “accidental” homeschooling parents. These were parents who didn’t plan on homeschooling, but something happened, so now what? The class navigates parents through that “now what?” moment, and helps them take… (—Read more—)
Why Homeschooling? And Why So Pushy?
In the above video segment, Cass asks for my perspective on what led to me homeschooling. It was a joy to look back on that sequence of events, and to laugh at the absurdity of several moments. Below is an article I wrote a few years back that answers a similar question about my motivation…. (—Read more—)
What is Neurodiversity?
In a Nutshell Neurodiversity recognizes that each human is neurologically unique, and it is a concept that celebrates this diversity. Cultures define what brain-based traits are desirable or “normal,” and any deviation from this ideal might be considered neurodivergent. Sometimes a pathology or disability in one culture is considered normal or even a benefit in… (—Read more—)
Welcome to the Open Path Education Blog
Understanding, respecting, and honoring neurodiversity – and that each person has a unique ideal path – is the heart of everything we do. We promote happiness and peace among neurodiverse families by providing resources aimed to educate, support, and inspire. This blog serves as a repository of articles, presentations, and other resources aligned to this… (—Read more—)